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Evija Novicane gives seminar to the members of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the topic “Liability Red Lines for Board Members – How to Protect Yourself?”

Successful growth of a company mainly depends on the management path of the board. However, all board members know that in business there are many risks and other factors due to which the company may suffer losses. In accordance with the Commercial Law, board members are the ones who must bear responsibility for losses faced by the company, provided that they cannot prove that they have acted as honest and careful managers. Therefore, the question how to act reasonably by excluding the risks of liability, is important for all board members who do not wish to be held responsible with their property for the company’s losses.

Sworn advocate Evija Novicane, a partner of law office NOVIUS, has extensive experience in representing clients and giving legal assistance on various matters related to liability of the board. Therefore, during the seminar given to the members of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Evija Novicane, an expert of the field, will detail liability red lines of the board, giving advices “when it is worth to check things twice”; furthermore, she will also address many questions important for board members: should the board be held responsible for the “sins” of the previous board; how to disprove the statutory presumption of guilt of a board member; what are legal tools to release a board member from liability?


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