NOVIUS advocates, experts and lawyers

Legal basis, knowledge, a sharp mind and quick reactions, together with deliberation and analytical skills, are only a few of the characteristics and skills that we consider when forming and improving our team. NOVIUS advocates, experts and lawyers are orientated towards the specific needs, wishes, experience and desired result of each client and they will do everything possible to satisfy them.

Kaspars Novicāns

leading partner, sworn advocate

AML/CFT, construction, real estate, commercial law, restructuring and insolvency, legal proceedings, arbitration

"If something is hard to do, then this is one more reason to do it."

Ph.D. iur. Evija Novicāne

partner, sworn advocate

financial and bank law, AML/CFT, legal audit, commercial law, real estate, restructuring and insolvency, legal proceedings, merging and acquisition (M&A) of enterprises

"Desire and confidence is not enough – an excellent result also requires appropriate actions."

Jānis Moors

sworn advocate

commercial rights, labour rights, litigation, transactions with real estate, family rights, inheritance rights, administrative process, intellectual property rights.

“The truth does not lie in theories by in daily practice.”

Ilze Marga

sworn advocate

administrative cases, labour law, family law, inheritance cases, commercial law, criminal law, restructuring and insolvency, real estate, legal proceedings and mediation

“Don’t dream about life, live your dreams!”

Eva Ķibermane

Sworn advocate

Commercial law, restructuring and insolvency, debt recovery, labour law, family law, real estate, construction, administrative cases, legal proceedings

"One of the truest and most beautiful joys is rest after work. /I. Kant/"

Ilze Kolere

senior lawyer

labour law, family law, legal audit, commercial law, public procurements and PPP, restructuring and insolvency

“Never cut a knot you can untie.”

Ivars Mēkons

International and aviation law expert

Aviation law, international law, international arbitration

“I am not afraid!”

Daina Golubovska


labour law, public procurements and PPP, restructuring and insolvency

“Don’t forget to do the impossible in order to manage the possible.”

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Sīkdatnes ir iespējams arī nobloķēt, bet, tiklīdz tas ir izdarīts, var rasties problēmas, jo var nestrādāt kāda no tīmekļa vietnes piedāvātajām funkcijām vai pat liegta piekļuve pie tās. Dažādām pārlūkprogrammām ir atšķirīgi veidi, kā nobloķēt sīkdatnes. Sīkdatnes, kā jebkuru failu, ir iespējams arī izdzēst, bet tas nozīmē, ka uz sīkdatņu pamata veiktie iestatījumi netiks saglabāti.

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