Author: Evija Novicāne


Evija Novicāne has acquired a CAMS certificate

Continuing NOVIUS specialisation in the field of AML/CFT, office partner Sworn Attorney Evija Novicāne has also obtained the Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist Certificate (CAMS) issued in the US. We are pleased that the competence of NOVIUS specialists in the field of AML/CFT is approved by CAMS certificates …

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Evija Novicāne has been re-appointed as a member of the Disciplinary Commission of the Insolvency Process Administrators

By the order of the Minister of Justice of 20 March 2020, the composition of the Disciplinary Commission of Insolvency Process Administrators was approved, repeatedly including in it Evija Novicāne, the partner of law firm NOVIUS and certified insolvency process administrator.

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Breach of the legality duty and the problem of determining the damage caused to the company in the claim against the board member

The office partner Sworn Attorney Evija Novicāne speaks at the 78th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia on the “Breach of legality and the problem of determining the damage caused to the company in the claim against the board …

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Business decision-making from the point of view of the board member’s responsibility

Most business decisions are associated with a certain risk or success factor, because in business even very rational and well considered decisions may not produce the expected results and create losses. Taking into account the fact that in accordance with the provisions of Section 169, …

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Termination of insolvency proceedings of a natural person for a dishonest debtor

For decades, the main driving force of economic growth has been the consumption of goods acquired through credit, which in turn inevitably leads to the problem of over-commitment of liabilities. Accordingly, the institution of natural person’s insolvency is in fact an integral part of the …

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Kaspars Novicāns has obtained the CAMS certificate

Approving the competence of NOVIUS in the field of anti-money laundering and prevention of terrorism and proliferation financing, the office partner Sworn Attorney Kaspars Novicāns has become a member of the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS), as well as has obtained the Certificate of Anti-Money Laundering …

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Evaluation of the activities and responsibility of the Board of Riga Municipality SIA “Rīgas Satiksme”

Law firm NOVIUS has performed an assessment of the activities and responsibilities of the Board of Riga Municipality SIA “Rīgas Satiksme” by providing a legal opinion.

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Research “Conditions for the Application of Insolvency Proceedings of a Natural Person and Its Efficiency”

At the request of the Insolvency Control Service, NOVIUS has conducted a study “Conditions for the Application of the Insolvency Process of a Natural Person and Its Efficiency”. The goal of the study is to analyse the problematic aspects of applying the insolvency process of …

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Sīkdatnes ir iespējams arī nobloķēt, bet, tiklīdz tas ir izdarīts, var rasties problēmas, jo var nestrādāt kāda no tīmekļa vietnes piedāvātajām funkcijām vai pat liegta piekļuve pie tās. Dažādām pārlūkprogrammām ir atšķirīgi veidi, kā nobloķēt sīkdatnes. Sīkdatnes, kā jebkuru failu, ir iespējams arī izdzēst, bet tas nozīmē, ka uz sīkdatņu pamata veiktie iestatījumi netiks saglabāti.

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